What we do
Business profile
Business profile
Our main business is the design and manufacturing of pressure and non-pressure equipment making up industrial installations in the refinery, chemical, petrochemical, mining, fertiliser and energy sectors. In addition, we can manufacture equipment for any industry, such as food processing or water treatment.
We provide our products and services mainly to End Users and EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) companies.
We also provide services:
We are a good fit for any company looking for a trusted partner to
- design, install, exchange, repair, modernise, or optimise
- individual devices, systems or whole installations
- especially for corrosive, toxic, flammable and explosive media
- especially under high pressure and extreme temperatures
- especially when using non-standard materials.
We manufacture equipment in accordance with Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, (W)UDT and GOST (EAC) marks.
You can choose from a comprehensive range of services – engineering, procurement, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, or entrust us with completing a specific stage of works.

Our competitive advantage lies in our ability to carry out non-standard projects requiring:
- Understanding of the specific requirements and needs of our clients
- Excellent work organisation in cooperating with our clients
- Extensive engineering and manufacturing knowledge and experience
- In-depth knowledge of the global market for non-standard materials
- A wide array of skills, authorisations and certificates.
We run an in-house design studio and NDT laboratory.